Sunday, 30 October 2011

How we overcame our problems

After realising that the gig was not such a good idea after all we had to come up with a similar solution that meant Emily was still listening to our band but on a much smaller scale. As a group we then came up with the solution to have Emily run away from home and go to a friend's party where our song would be played on some speakers. 

Problems With Initial Ideas

The one big problem that arose after coming up with our initial ideas were that we realised only one member of our group knows how to play an instrument, nor do we know anyone that could play the other instruments. 
Another problem was that we couldn't get a big enough venue to hold our gig with the budget available and were unsure how we could get so many people to watch us in such a short space of time. 
This meant that the gig idea was not look promising. 

Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Film Noir

Film noir is a cinematic term used primarily to describe stylish Hollywood crime dramas, particularly those that emphasize cynical attitudes and sexual motivations, and we feel this would work successfully for our music video, as the cynical attitudes are at the forefront both lyrically and visually for example, underage drinking, smoking arguments etc.

The term film noir, French for "black film", and The low-key lighting schemes is the element of film noir of which we wish to implement.
An example of a picture with a film noir effect on it is shown below.

Analysis Of Test Footage

From our lip syncing test footage it has become apparent it is harder than first guessed as although one shot has come out relatively well the other four were simply illegible down to clarity and the fact it was near impossible to see lips moving. this thereby means we may possibly need to re- think and come up with a plausible solution to overcome this, possibly zooming in, better lighting, louder music so easier to direct sync etc.

Digi Pack Research

"A digi pack is is a patented style of compact disc or DVD packaging and it consists of cardboard outerbinding with one or more plastic trays (for holding a CD or DVD) stuck to the inside.
In the world of CD packaging the Digipak® was a real break-through and it still excels in functionality and design opportunities. The Digipak® can be supplied in standard formats, for instance with 4, 6, 8 and 10 pages, with tray(s) for CDs and sleeves and die-cut slots for booklets. This packaging can be used to incorporate pop-up messages and other special effects. Some of our special Digipaks® are the midsize, the book size and the T-, L- and cross-form"

For our digi pack we also hope to play on the idea seen with our inspiration of the gorrilaz (,r:1,s:0) example , each of our band members 4 faces on each segment with various extra infomation. we feel this will work well and look professional, other ideas include us four in one segment then various other relevant props in the others ie. a candle with track listing adjacent etc or a present / cake for example. 

Tuesday, 4 October 2011

Analysis (using Goodwin) Of 2 Student Music Videos

For this we first analyzed a group of students of which used the same song of which we have, we found this incredibly insightful and helpful for inspiration as well as a benchmark to aim for as it appears to be an overall professionally executed video, implementing many techniques and conventions of this genre; the lip syncing is edited perfectly with no noticeable overlap between image and sound. Further aspects we find work well with this video include the split screen performance based appearance which works well and looks professional, another successful technique we feel they use is the editing to the beat seen at the start when the bottom right image takes over the whole screen on a beat. (@ 14seconds)

Mind Map

This is a mind map summarising our ideas that we created when first listening to the track 'Seventeen Candles'.

Contacting the artist

Target Audience Research

We believe our target audience is predominantly girls aged 15-17. The reasoning behind this is the lyrics and meaning associated with this song are very relevant and appropriate to this audience. The main character happens to be a teenage girl and so we believe that girls of the same age will be able to relate to this video and it's content. i.e rebellion. However, boys of the same age may also be able to relate and therefore they may be a secondary audience.
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