Tuesday, 29 November 2011

Joe Scott - Evaluation Questions

In what way does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

When creating our media product, we aimed to conform to the typical conventions of real media products, this is because we waned something that is instantly recognizable by audiences of our genre, rather than risking unpopularity by unsuccessfully challenging these forms and conventions, to achieve a seamless integration with this genre we studied other music videos to find common themes and noted them down for use in the design stages of production.
    To test these new themes we created a draft product and as a first attempt at replicated common genre characteristics we feel this was achieved, Finally using what we learnt from our draft we we're able to produce in our opinion a high quality, instantly recognizable and memorable music video.

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

What have you learnt from audience feedback?

When we created our final product it was given to a test audience, all of whom produced feedback on what they thought about it and possible changes to make which they felt it required to be successful.

They felt we followed the conventions of our genre effectively they also we're impressed by the editing and did not make any bad comments, however some felt the lip syncing was not 100% accurate in places which overall we agree with.

Our peers also felt the jump cuts and words we're timed well with the beat of the song and matched the on screen actions, we were told it was slightly abstract and harder to read at times, however this was intentional to keep the audience interested and on their toes.

How did you use new media technologies in the construction, research, planning and evaluation stages?

We have used new media technologies right from concept, through to planning and to production,
there is a wide range of technologies used including in the use of PC's and the Internet to carry our research on other bands and typical conventions of our genre, to produce our drafts and final product we used the Apple software 'Final Cut Express' and finally to evaluate each others work and receive a final mark we used 'Youtube' to upload our video so it can be watched anywhere.

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